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Jaguars' fans loving the fans and shade at Miller Electric Center

"Every single practice, we would leave burnt and just uncomfortable and we'd be back the next day just hoping that our burns would heal overnight."

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — The week we've all been waiting for is finally here. You best believe the fans were hyped up on day one of training camp. Especially in a brand new $120-million-dollar facility where they can beat the heat.

"Those giant fans that they have up there, you can feel the wind but they're blowing you even more wind, so the sun doesn't really bother you like the heat from before," said Vernesta Christopher, a Jaguars fan since day one, in 1995.

David Mendenhall remembers not too long ago, watching the Jaguars during training camp while taking a beating from the sun. He said he loves the new upgrades.

"Not only are we not sweating, but we're also not burning over here, we're nice and comfortable. We're around 3,000 screaming fans and we're so excited about this year," said Mendenhall.

On top of 2,000+ seats for the fans, there's a pro-shop and concession stand.

"I ended up getting a Trevor Lawrence jersey. It's incredible. It's one of those fuse dry-fit jerseys. I can't wait to rock it this season," Mendenhall added. 

From the super fans to the little fans. The Miller Electric Center is filled with positive, vibrant, winning energy. QB1, Trevor Lawrence said he feels it too. 

"The best facility in the NFL, the best fans in the NFL. It's cool to have and to share with the city and have fans here. We're going to have people here pretty much every day," said Lawrence.

Training camp will continue through the 31st, and then pick back up in August.

"It's going to be packed for every training camp they have out here," said Eric Dunn, a Jaguars fan since 2003.

Doug Pederson and Trevor Lawrence adding they feed off the electricity from the stands and they won't have to wait until week one to get it. It'll be here all training camp. 

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