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Devin Lloyd, Jaguars' linebacker, reflects on growth and priorities

Lloyd said other than prioritizing his mental health, he focused on having a life outside of football.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Devin Lloyd stands as an imposing figure, barreling down the field with a tenacity that strikes fear into opponents. His rookie season hinted at his prowess, but this year, his performance has transcended expectations. With a record-breaking number of "stuffs" and a near-total of solo tackles already, Lloyd's evolution into a defensive powerhouse for the Jaguars has been nothing short of spectacular.

Yet, amidst the hustle and bustle of the game, Lloyd unveils a deeper layer to his success—one rooted in camaraderie and personal growth. "The love I have for everyone in this locker room elevates my game," Lloyd confesses, emphasizing the transformative impact of team dynamics on his performance.

Reflecting on the stark contrast between his initial year and the present, Lloyd candidly shares, "Last year, injuries held me back physically, rendering me unable to unleash my full potential. But now, it's a different narrative—I've found strength and resilience, steadily building my prowess throughout the season."

Amidst the chaos of professional football, Lloyd made calculated adjustments this year, drawing from the invaluable lessons of his rookie season. "The rookie year is an education in itself; it teaches you things you couldn't have comprehended otherwise," he acknowledges.

However, Lloyd's growth extends beyond the field's confines. He underscores the importance of prioritizing mental well-being, a journey that led him to seek solace through baptism. "My wellspring of strength and power emanates from my faith in God. Relying on Him and viewing myself through His lens has been instrumental," he affirms, shedding light on the spiritual core fueling his success.

Acknowledging the support system within the team, Lloyd shares, "We have a community of believers within the team, engaging in regular Bible studies. It's grounding and keeps us aligned, fostering a sense of unity and purpose beyond the game."

While his sophomore season continues to unfold, Lloyd places emphasis on nurturing a life beyond the gridiron, seeking a balance that brings added peace and fulfillment. In his pursuit of excellence, both on and off the field, Lloyd exemplifies a player whose growth transcends the scoreboard, encapsulating the essence of a well-rounded athlete.

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