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Trump wins Florida Primary by a landslide

Voters decided between 7 Republicans, though the primary is just symbolic as all other campaigns have been suspended. As of 8:45 p.m., Gov. DeSantis had 4% of votes.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — This page will update live as results are reported. Bookmark this page to see live results. 

Florida Republicans headed to the polls to vote in the presidential primary Tuesday. They chose Donald Trump as their presidential candidate. 

With 93% reporting and the race called, Trump won 81% of the vote, with Nikki Haley garnering 14%. Florida's governor, Ron DeSantis, only received 4%. 

These numbers could change mildly with 100% reporting later Tuesday.

Florida has closed primaries, so you can only vote in the primary for your registered party. Democrats canceled their primary and opted to award all 224 of their delegates to Biden, not an unusual move for a party with an incumbent in the White House seeking reelection.

Trump, a Florida voter, cast his ballot at a recreation center in Palm Beach on Tuesday and told reporters, “I voted for Donald Trump."

There were seven names on the ballot, including Gov. Ron DeSantis.

Former President Donald Trump is the only one still in the race. Duval County Supervisor of Elections Jerry Holland explained why voters will see past Republican presidential candidates on the ballot.

“Of the seven, only six have suspended their campaigns, a lot of people think they've withdrawn, but technically suspended means they can still raise money, spend money, and they're still on the ballot and we will still tabulate the votes," he explained.

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