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Former President Donald Trump addresses crowds while campaigning in Savannah

Thousands of people waited outside the Johnny Mercer Theatre Civic Center waiting for Trump's arrival Tuesday.

SAVANNAH, Ga. — Former president and current Republican nominee Donald Trump stopped for an event in Savannah, Georgia Tuesday. Trump was met by huge crowds, with some people traveling from other parts of the state to attend.

Thousands of people waited outside the Johnny Mercer Theatre Civic Center waiting for his arrival.

“We waited four hours in line just to get in," Vanessa Ramirez said. “Pretty honored considering how small it is. On the way up here that’s what we were discussing why did he chose Savanah of all places it’s a lot smaller than Atlanta, So we’re excited that he came to spend the day with us."

The former president and current Republican nominee spent nearly an hour and a half on stage, where he laid out his plan to lower taxes for American businesses and increase production of American made goods.

“We will set up special zones of federal land with ultra-low taxes and regulations for American producers, these will be ideal spots for relations entire industries that we’ve taken in, from other countries, they’re going to come in levels that no body has every seen before," Donald Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, said.

Trump’s stop in Savannah comes less than four weeks after Democratic nominee Kamala Harris visited the city.

With Georgia becoming a battle ground for both candidates, some voters here spent time walking around and making sure that everyone is registered to vote before the October 7th deadline.

“I think it’s super important you know a lot of people my age, I’m 17 so I’m going to miss the election by a little bit, so I think it’s really important I’m trying to get my friends to vote," Ashton Johnson, said.

The presidential election is on November 5.

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