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Stories of Service: Snowball Express event brings holiday cheer to families of fallen military heroes

More than 800 families of our fallen military heroes went to Walt Disney World this month to remember their loved ones and have a magical time.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Since this is the season of giving, we thought we would share something that will put you in the holiday spirit.  

More than 800 families of our fallen military heroes went to Walt Disney World this month with the Snowball Express program.  The five-day event is all made possible through the Gary Sinise Foundation. Almost 2,000 people from more than 500 cities attended the annual event. 

The Gold Star families participated in a Walk of Gratitude at Magic Kingdom where families wrote personal messages to their fallen heroes on a scroll. The children then rang bells to send those messages up to Heaven. 

"This event is to give the families who have lost a loved one in service to their country a moment to reflect, to have a magical time, to celebrate their loved one and family time together here at Walt Disney World," explained Susan Finnigan, who is a Marine Corps Veteran and Disney Cast Member. 

"It's all about letting them know that stuff happens, but they're not by themselves.  We want them to know we love them," Rita Robbs said. 

If you have a story of service to share, email us at storiesofservice@firstcoastnews.com 

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