JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Long before shoppers are allowed inside The Avenues Mall there’s a different group of people inside known as the “mall walkers” They walk, or sometimes even run, laps from one level to the next. They are there every morning two hours before stores open inside.
They wrap up their exercise just in time for all the shoppers or employees to arrive. Most of these mall walkers have been walking together for years, some for decades. Many of them will meet afterward for coffee and breakfast.
“Mall walkers” are found all over the country. The malls encourage the safe, climate-controlled environment before the shops open. Security is also on hand during that time as well.
You can get to The Avenues at 8 a.m. Monday through Saturday to try it out. Store open at 10 a.m. On Sunday the store opens at 11 a.m. so mall walking starts at 9 a.m.