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'We're still here': COVID-19 testing down in Florida, Regency testing site

“When we were first opened, we were doing about 1200 - 1500 tests a day. I guess we're kind of seeing the summertime lull," the Regency testing branch director said.

FLORIDA, USA — Florida had a big surge in coronavirus cases in June, and naturally what followed was a rush of people getting tested -- some just for “peace of mind.”

Although, as schools start to reopen, First Coast News found out testing is now down in the state, which -- some worry -- could mask the true numbers of infections.

The COVID-19 Tracking Project shows COVID-19 testing in Florida is about where it was before bars and gyms reopened -- and community spread soared.

The average number of tests taken per day statewide this week was a little over 34,000, which is just a third of the record number of tests taken on July 12 (98,708).

The lack of available COVID-19 testing sites doesn’t seem to be the issue. It’s more that people are simply choosing not to get tested.

“When we were first opened, we were doing about 1200 - 1500 tests a day. I guess we're kind of seeing the summertime lull. Our numbers have gotten lower, not a lot of people are coming," Amidon Nurse Staffing and Regency Testing Branch Director Brooklyn Oliver said. 

She explained they have had open appointments and zero wait time every day since the new federal testing site opened about three weeks ago.

They’ve had to bump up their advertising for free, rapid anti-body testing.

“If more people come and get tested, we can better understand the way this virus is transmitting and how rapidly or not rapid it is affecting the community," Oliver said. "Also, so that we can stop the spread."

Whether the state has a handle on the true rate of infection as testing declines is one big question, but epidemiologists are concerned that it will also deprive health officials of any early warning of spikes in cases as schools reopen.

“People should bring their kids to get tested before school starts back because I know with schools opening it can be a little scary," Oliver said. "I have a great group of nurses here that are working very hard and they would love to see more faces -- and be able to help the community more.” 

For more information on the Regency testing site and to make an appointment visit doineedacovid19test.com.

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