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UNF poll: Jacksonville voters support Stadium of the Future deal - but there's a catch

New polling shows there’s a lot of support in Duval County for a new jail and there’s support for a new stadium if it comes with other community benefits.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — New poll results took the pulse of Jacksonville voters on several big issues in the city.

Polling from the University of North Florida Public Opinion Research Lab shows there’s a lot of support in Duval County for a new jail and there’s support for a new stadium if it comes with other community benefits.

Nearly 700 Duval County voters were polled. The poll found they would rather their tax dollars go toward a new jail rather than a new Jacksonville Jaguars stadium if they had to choose. 

Most voters polled, nearly 75%, supported using $1 billion of public money on a new jail. 

The poll found most voters do not want city money going toward the Stadium of the Future unless it includes money for other city projects including workforce development, affordable housing, homelessness and parks.

“That's the one part that's actually popular," said UNF Public Opinion Research Lab Director Michael Binder about the city projects. "And that's the one part that city council might be looking at skeptically. So I find that a little bit ironic.” 

City council members are going head-to-head over the community benefits part of the deal. It’s also the focus of a joint statement between the city and the Jaguars, which calls it a “win-win” and urges the city council to support it. 

City Council member Matt Carlucci supports the community benefits agreement. 

“It's a visionary community advancement,” Carlucci said. 

City Council member Nick Howland thinks a bit differently.

 “I believe we need to consider those projects in the community benefits agreement during the budget process in August," Howland said. 

Both council members say the poll results are community input that should be considered by city council which Binder said is part of the goal.

“I think it's always important for voters to have their voices heard outside of elections, in between elections, on policy issues," Binder said "And hopefully this is something that elected officials can pay a little bit of attention to.”

 See what voters think of how the mayor and sheriff are doing here.

Poll shows Jacksonville voters support Stadium of the Future deal if it includes the part city council could cut out

Poll: Jacksonville voters support Stadium of the Future deal - but there's a catch Public Opinion Research Lab at The University of North Florida City of Jacksonville, Florida - Government Jacksonville Jaguars First Coast News

Posted by Renata Di Gregorio News on Tuesday, May 28, 2024

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