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Poison Control expert offers advice after mother is arrested, accused of drugging her baby

A teenage mother is in jail after police say her baby died of a drug overdose. Investigators say the baby’s formula was laced with Fentanyl.

NASSAU COUNTY, FLORIDA, Fla. — A teenage mother is in jail after police say her baby died of a drug overdose.

Investigators say the baby’s formula was laced with fentanyl.

Investigators say the baby’s bottle was laced with enough Fentanyl to kill ten grown men.

“This is the second case that I can think of where Opioids were suspected just in the last six months in this area,” said Mike McCormick, Florida Poison Control.

McCormick with Florida Poison Control says Fentanyl deaths in babies are becoming more common. Research published in Journal Pediatrics found that Opioids accounted for more than 47% of poisoning deaths among children 5 years old and younger between 2005-2018.

He says the recent Callahan case shows that people need to pay close attention to loved ones.

“You’ve got to get people into treatment because that’s really the only way to get people out of this vicious cycle that could lead up to fatal and tragic consequences,” said McCormick.

First Coast News received a photo of the baby bottle Nassau County Sheriff Bill Leeper says the young mother used back in June to feed her 9-month-old baby boy what she thought was formula mixed with cocaine.

“Most babies are born to loving parents who take care of all of their needs but unfortunately some babies are born to individuals who have no business in being a parent,” said Sheriff Bill Leeper, Nassau County.

Investigators say the mother changed her story multiple times during the course of the investigation but eventually admitted that she thought she was giving the baby cocaine.

Poison Control experts say it’s safe to assume that nowadays most illicit drugs are laced with fentanyl.

“There are a lot of nonprofits in the Jacksonville area that can provide help. Drug Free Duval and Project Opioid can help,” said McCormick.

The Nassau County Overdose Awareness Seminar is August 31st at Callahan Baptist Church beginning at 630pm. Anyone can attend.

If you witness someone have a seizure or appear unconscious due to an overdose, call the Florida Poison Control Help Line at 1-800-222-1222 for help and treatment.

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