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12 Who Care: Jacksonville couple biking, baking to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis Society

The work Bruce and Linda Reid have done has touched countless lives, yet they are both very humble and hope more people will see the joy in helping others.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — If you want to make a difference in the community, you just have to get the wheels turning.

"It is amazing how many people need somebody in their lives," said Bruce Reid.

It is a simple lesson from Bruce Reid and Linda Bushong-Reid: do what you can, where you can.

"It is very important you do something for others," said Linda Bushong-Reid.

Bruce Reid told First Coast News their passion for helping raise money for the Multiple Sclerosis Society began in 2000 when he was asked to lead a bike team through his job at Citi Bank.

"After the first ride, people would come up to us and say, 'I have MS and thank you so much,'" he said.

They were deeply moved and began to grow to the team, getting more passionate each year about what they were doing. The bike team is now up to 20 people and they call themselves, "The Big Bananas!" The team has raised nearly $2 million and the Reids are quick to remind those that congratulate them, it is a team effort.

"We are blessed that we have people who are passionate like us, that fundraising comes first for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and whether or not we can ride a bike to Daytona Beach and back, that's secondary," Bruce said.

The couple also holds a silent auction each year which raises thousands of dollars and around Christmas, they will wrap gifts for a donation to the MS Society.

Always thinking of ways to fundraise, Linda also wanted to use her talents to help raise more money.

"I can bake," said Linda. "So, I started Desserts For Donations."

People can order a dessert from her website and she will bake it, deliver it and donate all the money back to the MS Society.

"It was just something I felt I could do," she said.

"We are talking time in the kitchen, 3 or 4 o' clock in the morning, she is baking," added Bruce.

Bruce and Linda were named the "Most Influential Couple" by the Multiple Sclerosis Society in 2023. But, that is not all they have done.

They also volunteer with the MaliVai Washington Youth Foundation to mentor children.

"First, second, third graders know you are going to be there," Bruce said. "They open the door and see you and run and jump on you. There are some great relationships that have been formed."

The couple is also members of Palms Presbyterian Church, as Bruce helps set up the cold weather shelters and visits elderly church members at assisted living facilities. The couple says their one wish would be to have more time to make an even bigger impact and they hope everyone finds a way to give back and help others in their own lives.

"I hope that your viewers will say, 'I can do something,'" Bruce told First Coast News. "I will start at a small level and progress."

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