JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Women in the workforce have faced some major career obstacles during this pandemic. Reports show nearly 900,000 women across the country have left their jobs, four times more than men.
First Coast News Anchor Anthony Austin spoke with Donna Orender, a highly respected business executive, about the issue. She launched Generation W, a national non-profit based in Jacksonville that is committed to inspiring women and girls.
"Understanding that the pandemic has disproportionally impacted women is really important. Women are in a tough place. A lot of their job categories have been eliminated because of the pandemic. Many women are having to choose between childcare and their jobs," Donna Orender said.
If you're a woman looking for a job, there are some resources both nationally and locally.
Fairygodboss is a website where women can get advice and find new careers. Orender said the company is currently linking women with 12 companies that are actively looking to hire more women.
Ellevest is a financial investment platform built by women for women. They also offer career advice.
Locally, you can always check out CareerSource Northeast Florida for jobs that are currently available in our area.