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One more step for Jags stadium deal: NFL owners still have to agree

Even though City Council approved the stadium lease, the Jaguars have to present the deal to the league and get the approval from 75% of NFL owners.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — During their celebration of the Stadium of the Future, the Jaguars said their journey began in 1990, five years before the team played their first game. Now, before the team's 30th season, the Jaguars say the franchise is keeping its eye on one goal, making our community the Bold New City of the South.

"Together we're turning renderings into reality for the betterment of Jacksonville," said Jacksonville Mayor Donna Deegan.

Wednesday was a day to celebrate. Deegan and Jaguars owner Shad Khan signed a proclamation about the Stadium of the Future Deal. The people behind the deal were also on stage with them; Jaguars President Mark Lamping and the city's lead negotiator Mike Weinstein worked together on the framework of the $1.4 billion deal.

"A project like this doesn't just happen unless you have someone with the financial capacity and has belief in confidence in the city of Jacksonville, we're fortunate that person is Shad Khan," said Lamping.

While the city council approved the deal, it was only approved after $94 million in city funding of the Community Benefits Agreement was taken out to be reviewed by council in July. Weinstein said he and Lamping still have work to do.

"Our goal is to get the Community Benefit Agreement through the way we originally worked on it. The Jags, the mayor and administration were all comfortable with the cba and we're going to push that," said Weinstein.

Part of the CBA that was removed deals with revitalization of the Out East neighborhood near the stadium. Lamping said the team will present the total finalized agreement to the league during the NFL owners meetings in October and expects Khan to have conversations with his fellow owners prior to the presentation.

"We've been on the other side of the table with agreements that Shad has had to weigh in on," said Lamping, "so we have a good idea of what the other owners are looking for and a good idea of issues that are important to the league."

Lamping said that the city of Jacksonville's $775 million contribution to the Stadium of the Future is the largest amount of city funding for an NFL stadium without raising taxes. Lamping said the league's finance committee will take that into account when it comes to approving the deal. 

75% of NFL owners have to approve the deal before the team is allowed to proceed.

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