JACKSONVILLE, Fla — A ZIP code flagged by the state on Friday as a COVID-19 hotspot is no longer in the red.
The statewide map shows 32207 as dark blue, meaning it has between 100-200 diagnosed cases. With 134 diagnosed cases, it has nearly double the number of any other ZIP Code. The next closest ZIP code is 32256 with 49 cases.
First Coast News asked state health officials if the criteria changed or if Friday's hotspot designation was in error, but we have not gotten a response.
Currently, the state Department of Health defines a hotspot as any ZIP Code with greater than 200 cases. But as more cases are reported across the state, that designation may be a moving target.
It’s unclear whether the state numbers include testing sites or medical facilities in their patient counts. DOH said in some cases, the ZIP code may reflect the hospital where a person was admitted or tested. Baptist Health is located in the 32207 ZIP code.
Statement from the Florida Health Department:
“Data displayed on the dashboard is provisional and subject to change. Epidemiological investigations evolve as facts and circumstances are uncovered, and the most up-to-date information is always made available via public messaging.”