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Justice Coalition has a new Executive Director

The Justice Coalition is one of our local advocacy organizations and there’s a new Executive Director in the seat. Meet Robert Bracewell.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — You may have seen them out in the community advocating for victims of gun violence or you may seem them alongside families during court appearances.

The Justice Coalition is one of our local advocacy organizations and there’s a new Executive Director in the seat.

Meet Robert Bracewell.

“The Justice Coalition has been around since 1995 and we advocate for innocent victims of violent crime through the court system and we help victims seek justice and help them through the process,” he said.

The Justice Coalition is one of the longest running victim advocate groups in Jacksonville.

They plan vigils for families, show up to court appearances and even relocate families in dangerous circumstances.

The new Executive Director says he joined the group ten years ago because of personal reasons.

“I lost a brother to a drunk driver back in the 80’s before anybody knew what victim’s advocates were,” said Bracewell.

One of the most notable recent cases the Justice Coalition picked up is Baron Dixon’s.

Dixon was shot and killed on Christmas Day. His family says someone was arrested in connection.

The Justice Coalition receives a small grant from the state, but otherwise operates on donations. During the pandemic, Bracewell says they took a hit but now they’re out in the community once again and in need of support.

“We want to get back out there and let people know we’re here and we’ve been doing what we’re doing all along,” said Bracewell.

The Justice Coalition has a web page.

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