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Federal lawsuit alleges misconduct by JSO officers during BLM protests

Alecia Kirby and her fiancé are suing the Jacksonville Sheriff's Office for what they call a 'planned' attack in May 2020.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A federal lawsuit filed by a couple alleges misconduct by four Jacksonville Sheriff’s officers during the Black Lives Matter protest last May.

Video provided to First Coast News by the attorney of Alecia Kirby shows what she says was the moment she got a concussion by an officer.  

“My feet were liked picked up from under me and then I got tossed to the ground,” she recalled.

Kirby and her fiancé, Carlos Cruz, were taking part in a Black Lives Matter protest when she says out of nowhere she was attacked and forcefully pinned down.  “I remember that initial like force that I felt that hit my body when they threw me up in the air,” Kirby told First Coast News.

A 19 page federal lawsuit points the finger at the ‘management of the city of Jacksonville sheriff’s office’ for her injuries, including Sheriff Mike Williams.

Four officers are listed in the lawsuit as are four counts against them including violation of the 4th Amendment, battery, false arrest and violation of free speech. 

Kirby claims she was also kicked in the face which caused her to lose consciousness.

“You had to have been there to feel the attention that was already brung when the officers were out there and I feel if the officers handled the situation better than they did, it wouldn’t have outbroke like it did,” she said.

In the lawsuit, Cruz says he was put in a choke hold.  They were taken into custody and Kirby alleges she was denied medical attention.

State’s Attorney Melissa Nelson later dismissed charges against 48 protestors, including Kirby, but she says the officers still need to be held accountable.

“I don’t feel like all officers are bad, but I definitely feel like we need to do more training and mental evaluations with officers,” Kirby said.

Last summer, the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office paid $100,000 to settle lawsuits from four protestors.

The attorney representing Kirby and her fiancé did not mention a dollar amount in their federal suit but they are asking for a trial by jury and indicated more lawsuits are in the works.

We reached out to the Sheriff’s Office for comment and a spokesperson says they do not  comment on pending litigation.

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