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Money saving tips for your JEA energy bills this summer

The community-owned utility company is reminding customers to utilize its free services to save money.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — After multiple heatwaves, JEA customers could see an increase in their bill for the month of September.

The community-owned utility company is reminding customers to take advantage of their perks and benefits if they're looking to save money. JEA said residents can soften the impact of future bills if they know what's causing the increase, besides heat.

JEA can send an energy auditor to one's home for free. The expert will inspect the property to determine what can be done inside to reduce energy costs. The auditor can also show what appliances are consuming more energy. It could be a matter of adjusting the thermostat or unplugging an appliance that is using more energy.

The assessments are also free.

"Forty to 60% of your bill comes from your heating and cooling costs," said Karen McAllister who represents JEA. "Particularly in the summer, it's more like 60%."

JEA has low-cost tips that can save people money on their monthly bill. The utility said the focus is mainly on behavioral changes that can help decrease the amount.

Saving Tips

  • Use ceiling fans to keep the air moving while in the room. Fans can make a room feel at least four degrees cooler
  • Install a sort of programmable device
  • Set your thermostat properly for your home
    • If you set your thermostat to auto, you can save an average of $13 per month
  • Adjust the settings on computers and electronics to "power saving mode"
  • Turn off lights when you're not in the room

JEA customers can also schedule a free irrigation assessment. The utility said customers use more water during the summer.

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