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Northwest Jacksonville urban farm now offering tours for the community

White Harvest Farms is a program started by the Clara White Mission to bring healthy food to an underserved community along Moncrief road.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Parts of Moncrief are considered food deserts but the White Harvest Farms is putting an end to that by providing access to healthier options.

“When you come through the fence its transporting you to another place. You almost forget your in Jacksonville," said marketing director and community liaison of White Harvest Farms, Michelle Maule. 

Maule says this program is to remind people about the heart of northwest Jacksonville, and they are doing just that by providing tours Wednesdays and Saturdays at 10am to 2pm.

“Our farmers really do a great job about picking unique crops to grow. So we have something called Kohlrabi and it’s a part of the cabbage family. We grow kale we have onions. We have wildflowers," said Maule. 

Maule says not only do they educate people on the tour but you even get to taste some of the food that was grown at the farm.

“You get to taste some of the food fresh from the ground we have a blueberry grove, strawberries are blooming as well, and we have fruit trees as well," said Maule.

Mika Hardinson, coordinates the community garden she says this garden allows people to rely on themselves.

“We grow together and we harvest together. So we grow as a community and then we harvest our food. It's all about self sustainability and self reliance," said Hardinson. 

The tours cost $10 for each person. 

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