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Jacksonville City Council condemns Hamas and 'stands unequivocally' with Israel

The resolution introduced by City Council member Nick Howland put the blame on Hamas saying "Jacksonville stands with Israel and condemns these terroristic attacks."

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Jacksonville City Council declared Tuesday it "stands with Israel" in the deadly fighting that erupted Saturday and has brought supporters of Israel and Palestinians to rallies in Jacksonville and other cities across the country.

City Council approved the resolution on a 16-1 vote after Jacksonville Palestine Solidarity Network speakers said during the council's public comment period that the resolution is one-sided in portraying Israel as a victim.

The resolution introduced by City Council member Nick Howland puts the blame on Hamas and says "Jacksonville stands with Israel and condemns these terroristic attacks."

"The city of Jacksonville hereby mourns lives lost through these violent acts and stands unequivocally allied with Israel as it defends itself in the war launched by the terrorist organization Hamas," the resolution says.

Howland said the death toll was more than 1,000 dead in Israel and 700 in the Gaza Strip since Saturday. The deaths include 14 United States citizens.

'And those numbers are growing by the hour," Howland said after describing how "armed terrorists" crossed into Israel "killing indiscriminately and taking men, women and children for hostages."

He said Navy destroyers based in Mayport are part of the U.S. military support of "Israel's right to defend itself in this new war." Howland compared his resolution to a City Council resolution in 2022 that expressed "support and solidarity with the people of Ukraine" after Russia attacked it.

"This is not a Republican or a Democrat issue," Howland said. "This is an issue of humanity."

During public comment period, several speakers blasted the resolution by saying it falsely portrays Israel as a victim when Israel has the power to shut off power and water to Palestinians while restricting food, aid and border crossings.

Critics of resolution say it 'victimizes the oppressor' 

"Israel is getting wall-to-wall coverage for experiencing in a few days what Palestine has experienced for decades," one speaker said. "Resistance is a human right. Palestine has the right to resist. If Ukraine does it, they're freedom fighters. But if we do it, we're terrorists, we're animals."

Another speaker said the resolution "victimizes the oppressor" in its support for Israel while hundreds of Palestinians are being killed by "Israel's bombardment of Gaza, which is collective punishment."

"You have residents coming every week to tell you what we need and instead you pass a ridiculous statement where it doesn't even name Palestinians," she told council members. "Your dehumanization, your racism is on record. It's very clear how you feel about Arab people, about brown people, about Palestinian people when you won't even name us in the resolution."

City Council President Ron Salem cast the lone vote against the resolution, which attracted a host of other council members as co-sponsors.

Mayor Donna Deegan issued her own statement Tuesday.

“I strongly condemn the terrorist attack by Hamas on Israel during this past holy weekend for the Jewish faith. “I mourn the loss of Israeli and American lives during the carnage that followed. By taking women and children hostages, Hamas has engaged in unprecedented barbarism. I pray for the safe return of the Israeli and American hostages to their loved ones."

She said she also mourns the loss of "civilian Palestinian lives."

“Despite this horrific violence, I remain hopeful that a peaceful resolution to this conflict can be found," she said. "Jacksonville stands in solidarity with our Jewish and Palestinian communities who have deep and enduring ties to the region."

Howland said during the City Council meeting that those wishing to support "those innocent people suffering both in Israel and Palestine" can make donations to the International Committee of the Red Cross.

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