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Criminal probe: Florida GOP chair under investigation for alleged rape

No charges have currently been filed.

SARASOTA, Fla. — Florida Republican Chairman Christian Ziegler is under criminal investigation after a woman alleged he raped her, according to police and media reports.

The heavily redacted police case report filed on Oct. 4 detailed that two days earlier, the rape occurred. Most of the narrative and names of people involved are blacked out, but words that appear in the report include "raped...stated that...had been sexually battered...the sexual assault allegation."

No charges have been filed at this time.

Ziegler formerly served as a Sarasota County commissioner and is married to Sarasota County School Board member and Moms for Liberty co-founder Bridget Ziegler.

The Florida Center for Government Accountability first reported on the allegations against Ziegler. It said, citing unnamed sources, that the couple "had been involved in a longstanding consensual three-way sexual relationship prior to the incident." The alleged rape happened when Christian Ziegler and the woman were home alone at the woman's house, the outlet reported.

Investigators also reportedly executed a search warrant on Christian Ziegler's phone; some encounters involving the woman and couple were recorded, the Florida Center continued.

Derek Byrd, a lawyer representing Christian Ziegler, told 10 Tampa Bay in a statement that his client is cooperating with Sarasota police and the team is "confident...that no charges will be filed."

"Unfortunately, public figures are often accused of acts that they did not commit whether it be for political purposes or financial gain. I would caution anyone to rush to judgment until the investigation is concluded," Byrd said. "Out of respect for the investigation, this is all Mr. Ziegler or myself can say at this time."

The Republican Party of Sarasota County said it is "shocked and disappointed" following the reports involving the Zieglers, adding: "The Republican Party takes all such allegations of potential criminal conduct very seriously and will fully cooperate with investigators."

According to multiple news outlets, including The New York Times and NBC News, Gov. Ron DeSantis spoke with reporters after his Fox News debate with California Gov. Gavin Newsom and called for Ziegler's resignation in light of the "serious" allegations. 

"I don’t see how he can continue with that investigation ongoing given the gravity of those situations," DeSantis said. "And so, I think he should step aside. I think he should tend to that. 

"He’s innocent until proven guilty, but we just can’t have a party chair that is under that type of scrutiny. And so, I hope that — I hope the charges aren’t true. I’ve known him, I’ve known Bridget, they’ve been friends. But the mission is more important."

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