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First Coast beaches expected to be packed for July 4th celebrations

Foot traffic isn't the only concern, visitors and locals are expected in cars and on bikes. Jacksonville Beach Police say everyone will have to share the road.

JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. — Beaches along the First Coast are expected to be packed with people Tuesday celebrating July 4th. The Jacksonville Beach Pier is closed in preparations for the fireworks show. The pier's parking lot will also be closed starting 4am Tuesday.

Many people will be beach-bound. Foot traffic isn't the only concern, visitors and locals are expected in cars and on bikes. 

"We love riding the bikes down the street its just a good time, we've never seen anything like it," Jason Aguirre said. 

Jason Agirre is visiting Jacksonville Beach from Las Vegas to celebrate the Fourth of July. 

"Its like everything good about America, it's a lot of crowds, a lot of good people," Aguirre said. 

"I'm excited for the friendliness. I think we all need it right now," Lisa Mercado added. She is also visiting from Las Vegas. 

Sergeant Tonya Tator says everyone on foot, in cars, and on bikes will be sharing the road. 

"Bicycles have to adhere to traffic laws just like vehicles which means stopping at stop signs, stopping at traffic lights, adhering to right-a-ways just like vehicles would," Jacksonville Beach Sergeant Tonya Tator said. 

If you're wondering, Tator says, yes, you can get a DUI on a bike. 

"What we encourage is that everybody be responsible come out we want you to have fun but make decisions and ways that you can get home safely without jeopardizing your safety or others safety. At this time, we're not anticipating closing any roadways. First Street does get really heavy with bicycle traffic so that is something to keep in mind and it is our discretion," Tator said. 

Aside from the festivities during the day, there will be fireworks at the Jacksonville Beach Pier at 9pm. The pier is closed for preparations and the pier's parking lot will close at 4am Tuesday. 

"The pier parking lot is going to be shut down for vehicle traffic but pedestrians can come sit if they want to sit in the parking lot and watch fireworks go off," Tator said. 

Tator says after the fireworks, pack your patience. 

"There might be some detours because we want to route everyone in one direction to get you out as quickly as possible," Tator said.

Jacksonville Beach Police will be patrolling both the land and the sand. Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, Neptune Beach and Atlantic Beach Police Departments will also be working together to keep everyone safe along the First Coast. 

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