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JTA: Fix and maybe extend the Skyway

Now, JTA staff will put together proposals for potential extensions and plan the vehicle replacement.
A map including the current system and potential extension of the Skyway

ID=7577315ID=77118494JACKSONVILLE, Fla.- Jacksonville's "Skyway Express" system that runs through part of the downtown area of the city should be modernized and possibly extended. That is the recommendation of the Jacksonville Transportation Authority's Board of Directors after a subcommittee studied the future of the automated mass transit system over the past several months.

The recommendation includes replacing the vehicles in the system and the evaluation of possible extensions of the service. The group had considered other options including tearing the elevated system down or replacing it with an elevated walking/bicycle path.

More than 1600 people responded to an online survey about the future of the Skyway and 80% favored keeping and expanding the system. Possible expansion of the system include bringing it to the Sports Complex/Shipyards area, Riverside/Brooklyn, and San Marco.

"The Skyway is an iconic system and important part of Downtown Jacksonville and I am pleased to support their resolution." said JTA Board Chairman Scott McCaleb.

Now, JTA staff will put together proposals for potential extensions and plan the vehicle replacement. The estimated cost of replacing the current vehicles and modernizing the infrastructure is $74 million and does not include the cost of any expansion. The Skyway system cost $185 million to build.

A recommendation on a final plan to modernize and extend the system is due by the end of 2016.

Right now, the Skyway provides about 5,000 trips per day on the current 2.5 mile long route and is free to use.

Read the entire set of recommendations below:

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