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Deegan's leadership team full of 'outside of the box thinkers'

Jacksonville mayor-elect Donna Deegan said her team is represented by people with diverse viewpoints and political parties.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — They are the people who will help lead the city. Mayor-elect Donna Deegan will be sworn in as mayor in less than three weeks and on Wednesday, she introduced her leadership and executive team. 

A number of the people on the leadership team actively campaigned against some of the public figures who they will work alongside.

Deegan's slogan on the campaign trail was "Change for Good". 

On Wednesday she said her leadership team is defined by people who care about Jacksonville more than political affiliation.

"Once you get into this space, and you have the opportunity to move your city forward you put the Rs and the Ds and the NPAs aside and work together to get that done," said Deegan, who praised her team for being 'outside of the box thinkers'.

Several members of her team have been outspoken about city issues in the past. Deegan says that she welcomes those conversations.

"Nobody gets into this to be a shrinking violet, you get into this to make a difference," said Deegan.

Dr. Sunil Joshi will serve as the Chief Health Officer. Joshi was an advocate of school mask mandates during the early stages of the pandemic.

Dr. Parvez Ahmed will serve as the Director of Diversity and Inclusion. He has been an outspoken opponent of laws restricting academic freedom in Florida.

Lakesha Burton will be Deegan's Chief of Public Safety. Last year she ran against current Sheriff T.K. Waters, but Deegan says Burton will help build a bridge between JSO and the citizens of Jacksonville.

"We want to really, robustly build those community relationships that we need to build to be a good partner to the sheriff's office and that's what we'll focus on," said Deegan.

Former political adversaries in a campaign aren't the only hurdle for this administration. Only five of the 19 members of City Council are democrats, but Deegan said the diversity of her leadership team will aid in stepping across the aisle to work with republicans on City Council.

"I'm thrilled to have people on my team that are used to speaking out and are really productive members of our community and the same is true for our city council, so I think we're going to work well together," said Deegan.

Last year City Council approved a record setting $1.5 billion budget. Already this year Sheriff Waters is asking for more money in the budget to be allocated to JSO, so the department can hire more officers. 

The city's budget will be the first major task the Deegan administration will have to deal with. Deegan will be sworn in on July 1 and, by law, must submit her budget to City Council by July 15.

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