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'An insult to the voters': Jacksonville mayor responds to councilmember's criticism over proposed budget

Mayor Donna Deegan calls out Council Member Rory Diamond over criticisms with her proposed budget.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — Members of Jacksonville City Council's Finance Committee wrapped up their first of seven meetings regarding the city budget proposed by Mayor Donna Deegan. Already, members of the committee want to strip millions of dollars from the mayor's budget that they say is wasteful spending.

Health programs, workforce housing and initiatives to fight homelessness are elements of the budget that Deegan wants included in her budget for the next fiscal year and she's prepared to fight for what she says the city needs.

On the first day of the budget review meetings, political haymakers were thrown.

"I think you have individuals who spend a lot of time being part of the problem instead of part of the solution," said Deegan.

Deegan's proposed budget calls for the use of some reserve funds to pay for programs like affordable housing and economic development. During the first finance committee budget hearing, Council Member Rory Diamond disagreed.

"That's a piggy bank I hope we never touch," said Diamond.

But the mayor said those reserves are money that is there to be spent.

"It's like starving your family so you can keep more money in the bank than you really need," said Deegan, "I don't really understand it beyond the fact that I think some of it is politically motivated."

Diamond has also proposed legislation that could limit the mayor's ability to have budget authority.

"Honestly, it's an insult to the voters who put me in office, people put me here because they trust me to do what I believe is best for the city," said Deegan.

"It is wildly fiscally irresponsible to transfer anything close to that," said Diamond while commenting about the mayor's plan to use $47 million from the city's reserve fund to pay for programs.

"At the end of the day, let me do my job," said Deegan.

During a meeting with local reporters, the mayor's office showed off a box of cupcakes with "AA+" logos to signify the city's improved credit rating. The mayor's budget is $165 million higher than last year's budget.

"We will always have a balanced budget," said Deegan. "This is in fact a balanced budget, we put $76 million into reserves last year, we're asking to take $47 million out."

Ultimately the decision to adjust and eventually approve the budget rests with city council. The finance committee will have six more meetings before the budget is sent to the city council.

For more information about the proposed budget as well as a schedule of future finance committee meetings, visit this website.

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