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Ukrainian civilians get weapons training

With a possible war with Russia on the horizon many civilians in the Ukraine are learning how to use military weapons in order to protect themselves.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — This morning President Biden authorized the deployment of 3,000 American troops to eastern Europe to act as military support.  This comes as hostilities in the region escalated after Russia sent 100,000 troops to the Ukrainian border.  The increase in troops means that life is completely different for Ukrainian citizens.

Rocket propelled grenades are rarely in the hands of citizens, even less so when they are being trained inside of a town hall.  However, that is what life for many Ukrainian citizens has become as their country prepares for a possible war with Russia.

"It's really scary, we're living with war for nearly 8 years," says Mike Kypyc.

A few years ago Kypyc spent time in Jacksonville with First Coast News to learn ways to improve his news product in the Ukraine.  The now-former journalist said that within the last decade the Ukrainian Army grew from 5,000 soldiers to 200,000 soldiers after Russia annexed Crimea. 

"To be honest, everyone is waiting for the war," says Kypyc, "the feeling is that the Russians are unpredictable and battles can start in any minute."

Kypyc says that all new buildings in Ukraine are required to be built with bomb shelters to protect people from possible Russian invasion.

Last month the Pentagon placed 8,500 US service members on "high alert to deploy" if NATO activated a response force due to Russian military actions along its border with Ukraine.

RELATED: President Biden sending more troops to Europe amid Ukraine tension

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