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Bonnethead sharks popular catch for fisherman back at Neptune Beach

Small sharks are showing up on fishing lines at First Coast beaches, but is it a spike or just routine numbers?

NEPTUNE BEACH, Fla. — Just this past weekend, bonnethead sharks were spotted dancing on the ends of handfuls of fishing lines.

One man caught a shark on Neptune Beach. 

With the sharks popping up in the shallow waters, the On Your Side team reached out to local fisherman, Captain Kevin Faver, to find out if this is rare.

“It is the norm, yeah it absolutely is," Faver said. “They’re basically a migratory fish, so they’re showing up with the warmer water.”

Bonnetheads are one of the most common shark species caught. They can be pretty easy to catch off First Coast beaches and other waterways.

“They’re really a shallow water shark. They don’t mind getting into the shallows, as a matter of fact, we see a lot of them in the Intracoastal," said Faver.

Bonnetheads, with their distinct shovel-shaped head, are members of the hammerhead family. And though popular to catch, little is known about how they fare after being released.

That could be changing with new research being conducted now. In October, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded a grant to Georgia Southern University to study how well bonnetheads survive fishing interactions.

"They absolutely pack a punch,” said Faver. “If you’re gentle with them you can literally pinch them behind the neck, take the hook out and remove the hook.”

More protective measures for both humans and sharks have also been put in place this past July. Florida law now requires anglers to take an online shark-fishing course and get a permit.

Sharks also must be immediately released once caught and cannot be brought ashore.

Though bonnetheads are a common catch, they’re not too interested in people, according to Faver. 

However, because they swim in shallow waters, he says if you’re swimming and see baitfish, use common sense and head to shore. You wouldn’t want to be mistaken for lunch.

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