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Antique vintage shop in San Marco back open for business

"For Rent" signs are popping up in San Marco and it's worrying one small business that recently reopened following Hurricane Irma.

Rusted: A Vintage Market is an antique shop located at 1523 San Marco Blvd. It sells a range of items from vintage furniture to clothing, accessories and an assortment of knick-knacks.

It closed temporarily after experiencing damage from the flooding caused by Irma back in September; several pieces of furniture were damaged and destroyed.

Since then, the owners said sales have been "down, way down."

Overall, the owners said they lost roughly $20,000 from Irma. In order to meet their quota and recover, they said they need 20 customers a day to hopefully spend about $50 each.

Our news partners, the Florida Times-Union, reported that several businesses in San Marco are closing down or moving out because they were flooded so badly during the hurricane. The businesses that are now closed are Davis & Company Hair Salon and the Kitchen on San Marco.

"People need to veer away from shopping centers and come here instead," owner Patti said.

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