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Jacksonville mom contacts 'Ask Anthony' team for help with neighborhood sidewalks

Last year, Amanda Sheehan started taking daily walks with her baby girl down Live Oak Drive, but she felt her walks were more stressful than relaxing.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. — A Jacksonville mom reached out to the 'Ask Anthony' team for help. She says the sidewalks in her Southside Estates neighborhood are unusable.

"Sometimes you can't even get over certain parts of the sidewalk.  They will be so thick with mud. They will be covered with water, broken glass, fallen pieces of fence from yards," Amanda Sheehan explained. 

Last September, Sheehan became the mother of a precious baby girl. 

"As you can see, it's not very fun to push a baby stroller across this (sidewalk) safely," Sheehan said. 

She started taking daily walks with her daughter down Live Oak Drive, but noticed it was more stressful than relaxing, so she contacted the city. 

"I've had no resolution from the city. I would just really like to be able to walk my daughter down Live Oak safely."

The City of Jacksonville lists a phone number on its website to call about sidewalk maintenance, but Sheehan says she can't get a clear answer about repairs. 

"The people are always very nice who I speak to, but they give conflicting information as to whose responsibility it is to maintain the sidewalks," Sheehan added. 

The 'Ask Anthony' team contacted the city about Sheehan's problem. We sent pictures of the sidewalk conditions, explaining Sheehan simply wants a safe place to take her daughter for walks.

"I just want the city to come out and either clean up their side or ask the residents to remove the debris from the sidewalk," Sheehan said. 

The city responded on Wednesday in an email:

"Live Oak Drive is a roadway that runs through a residential area.  As such, landscape maintenance is intended to be performed by the abutting private property owners.  This includes the mowing of the yard out to the edge of pavement, the edging of driveways and sidewalks, pruning of bushes, etc.  In cases like this where it is found that the residents aren't performing the work that is needed, Mowing and Landscape Division will address."

A spokesperson told the 'Ask Anthony' team they have contacted the public works department about the issue.  As of Wednesday afternoon, city crews had started clearing the sidewalk paths.  

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