JACKSONVILLE, Fla — The loss that many families are now experiencing from the COVID-19 delta variant is also being felt by funeral homes and their staff.
Darryl Patterson is President of Patterson Funeral Services and spoke candidly about what they're experiencing.
"Because of the increase of deaths due to delta all of us (funeral homes), our case loads have increased," said Patterson.
Patterson points to the numbers.
He said in 2019 they processed 350 cases.
In 2020, when COVID-19 exploded, his funeral home handled 550 cases.
Patterson said in 2021, with the delta variant, they are on track to do more than 600 burials.
"We have had to hire more staff," said Patterson. "We used to be closed on Sundays, but no longer."
He said he discovered a common thread among many of the deceased: their age and their vaccination status.
Patterson said many are young and were not vaccinated.
"We are getting three, four to five cases a day and that puts a bigger workload on the funeral home," he said.
It has meant reinforcing safety protocols of masks and social distancing during funerals.
Even when they are called to retrieved the body of a COVID-related death, they take extra precaution. He said bodies are disinfected twice.
"We disinfect when we pick up the body and we disinfect when we bring the body to our facility," he said.
Patterson is a former lieutenant with Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department and said he brings the same compassion to his funeral home business.
"We are here for the families," he said.
With so many COVID-19 related deaths in what appears to be a very short period of time, the impact on even the funeral home industry is overwhelming.
Patterson said some of his staff found it necessary to get counseling.
"We're talking this last three months and it is like nonstop, nonstop. So to me I am scared," said Patterson. "I know I am in this business but I am also living in society, so I am scared."
Patterson said get vaccinated if you are not already, for it will help reduce the number of COVID-19 related deaths.