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FDOT makes fix to sign confusion on I-95 South near downtown

An inadvertent sign change on Interstate-95 South near downtown Jacksonville was leading drivers into unfamiliar surroundings.

An inadvertent sign change on Interstate-95 South near downtown Jacksonville was leading drivers into unfamiliar surroundings.

The Overland Bridge Replacement project includes a stretch of ramps and collector distributor lanes after the Main Street and Fuller Warren bridges.

At the split for Atlantic Boulevard and U.S. 1, drivers attempting to follow signs for I-95 South found themselves on Beach Boulevard North several miles away from the on-ramp back to I-95.

I-95 South ramps from the Main Street Bridge and Fuller Warren Bridge. (Photo taken afternoon of April 17, 2018/ First Coast News)

After complaints from viewers, First Coast News reached out to the Florida Department of Transportation on Tuesday who said they had not received any complaints. On social media, several drivers said they observed last minute lane changes and near-miss collisions due to the sign confusion.

FDOT's initial response was that no recent changes had been made and the signs were all correct. However, representative Odette Struys learned after researching the issue an arrow had been mistakenly revealed an arrow on the I-95 South sign too early. As a result of the inquiry, Struys said a fix would be made.

"There are two arrows on 95 southbound. The arrow on the left will be covered up to reduce confusion. When it is completed, then it will be uncovered again," Struys explained.

FDOT says it will cover the left arrow on the sign to reduce confusion. Location: I-95 South ramps from the Main Street Bridge and Fuller Warren Bridge. (Photo taken night of April 17, 2018/ First Coast News)

Hours later, FDOT corrected the sign to direct drivers toward the right if they intend to stay on the interstate. The area has been under construction and a difficult spot for unfamiliar drivers for years. Struys said the final configuration for the area is expected to be completed this Spring.

Note: Based on additional information provided by FDOT, this story has been updated to change the completion date of the Overland Bridge Replacement project from Spring 2019 to Spring 2018.

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