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This is Me; How to relieve stress

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Work can be stressful. We tackle many encounters daily that increase our anxiety and stress levels. But there are several ways to find peace wherever you are.

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- Work can be stressful. We tackle many encounters daily that increase our anxiety and stress levels. But there are several ways to find peace wherever you are.

Today we're showing you how to step into your happy place with the top five ways to relieve stress. Psychologist Tracy Alloway suggests meditation. The key to that is to focus on either your breathing, an image or perhaps a statement.

"Some people like to think of a mantra or a positive phrase, a positive statement like today's going to be a good day, even if you start with just one minute of saying that phrase,” Alloway said. “Other people like to visualize. They like to have an image of maybe something for the day. Maybe they have to give a presentation and they have a positive image of themselves and we also know from research having that positive image can change a mindset of one being more anxious and stressed to being more confident and more optimistic as well."

Here are Alloway’s top five suggestions when it comes to taking the stress out of your day:

  1. Change your mindset- Think of the positives associated with an activity instead of the negative.
  2. Watch a funny social video- Watch one of those cheesy YouTube video that makes you laugh out loud. Studies show watching as little as ten minutes of those videos actually decreases your stress hormone.
  3. Keep a gratitude journal- It's something positive you can focus on.
  4. Hug someone- Keep in mind hugging releases a hormone called oxytocin referred to as the cuddle, love or trust hormone.
  5. Take an active approach to tasks- Set goals and prepare. It helps you to feel more confident and in turn relieves stress.

How do you relieve stress during the day? Let's talk about it- share a picture and your suggestions using yourtake.firstcoastnews.com

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