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The Buzz: Study claims college graduates would do jail time to wipe away student loan debt

The average person hates student loans, but how far would you go to get rid of them?

It's no secret, paying off student loans feels like a never-ending task. Now graduates are seeing their debt as a life sentence. But how far would you go to break away from those loans?

Some graduates claim they'd spend seven days in jail, just to erase thousands of dollars in debt. Yep, I couldn't believe it either. 

Here's the Buzz: A recent study reveals 89% of graduates say their student loans debt has become a financial burden. Thirty-nine percent of graduates say they've had to skip a social event in order to save cash.

Others, say they've had to start 'side hustles' to rake up the extra money.

Would you do seven days in jail, if that meant the student loans would go away? Let us know using #GMJ!

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