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The Buzz: Lysol, hand sanitizer may be hard to find until August, experts say

Demand for cleaning products jumped more than 200 percent in March and April and it could take the supply chain months to catch up.

It’s been weeks since consumers on the First Coast began panic-buying toilet paper, hand sanitizer and other common household items to ward off COVID-19.

Experts say it could be August before shelves are fully restocked again.

Here’s the Buzz: Demand for cleaning products jumped more than 200 percent in March and April and it could take the supply chain months to catch up, according to Business Insider.

Supply-chain experts say the raw materials for cleaning products are sourced from China and factories can’t expand their capacity. Most of the factories are back up and running.

Toilet paper is beginning to come back to shelves, but it could be awhile before seeing Lysol and disinfectant wipes.

When items return to stores, experts recommend only purchasing what you need. Stockpiling will only create more issues.

Stores reveal plans to reopen

On the First Coast, many retail stores and restaurants plan to reopen, but what is their plan?

Here’s the Buzz: Best Buy says it will open its locations, for people who make appointments for in-store consultations to buy appliances or electronics.

Employees will be required to wear masks and gloves, and have temperature checks before their shifts.

Starbucks hopes to have 90 percent of its stores back open by early June with modified service.

The company plans to reopen some of its stores as a trial, with no seating inside, with other stores to follow suit.

Dressing up while working from home

Let’s face it – sweatpants and t-shirts seems to be the new norm for those of you working from home. But if you find yourself not completing enough work, that could be the problem.

Here's the Buzz: Psychologists say the simple act of wearing your work clothes will make you more efficient.

Our outfits can help us differentiate between work time and relaxation time.

If giving up your comfy clothes sounds like too much work at this point, psychologists say changing into a different pair of sweatpants can help you start the day off right.

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