With more positive coronavirus cases in recent weeks across the First Coast, many people say they are reevaluating some of their daily lifestyle choices.
Safety is something that's been top of mind for a lot of people as new state data trickles in and more businesses close due to positive cases. So what are people doing to help reduce the risk?
First Coast News posed the question to viewers Monday on Facebook on the group page Facts Not Fear: Your Coronavirus Questions Answered and on Renata Di Gregorio News and on Twitter. The results? It's definitely a mixed bag, though some say they'd feel more comfortable if businesses still had restricted capacities.
Here's one response to the question asking if you've made lifestyle changes:
"No. Living life normally. If I am uneasy in a retail store? I put a mask on. If not? I carry on as I normally would."
But others say they never stopped staying home, a change they made in March. Some meet both of these responses halfway.
Here's another response:
"Yes, I've been going back to staying home a bit more and upping precautions when going out."
While the number of people wearing masks is a factor in making many feel comfortable, those with older family members mention they're usually thinking about them.
One person who responded and did an interview is Camille Wilson from Jacksonville. Her elderly parents take care of her toddler, who is usually in summer school now, but the building is right down the street from one of the restaurants that closed because of COVID-19 cases. It's made her family think twice.
"We pick our grocery store based on how prevalent mask-wearing is," Wilson said.
Her family felt more comfortable before places like restaurants were packed again and when there were limited hours at the zoo.
"Would you feel more comfortable and maybe go more places if those places had restricted capacities or more enforcement in social distancing?" First Coast News asked.
"Yes," Wilson replied. "We've actually gone to one meeting, opened up again and the reason we felt comfortable was because the restaurant was huge in general and they spaced it out and everyone wore masks inside, the waiters and stuff like that. It felt comfortable. It was nice."
Another person who responded and did an interview is Sondra Santana from Clay County. She works in a medical setting and her family is still staying home as much as they can.
"I'd definitely say my experience with COVID-19 has definitely made me want to continue the social distancing," Santana said "I'm not afraid but I'm realistic. COVID-19 has been relentless, especially with our older population and our at-risk population."
Her family will continue with the hand washing and precautions long after the pandemic is over.
"We're trying to take all the precautions we can as a family, not just for my family but for others and our community," Santana said.
On Wednesday, vote here in the First Coast News poll about if you wear a mask in public.