JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla. — Jacksonville Beach is hosting its very first music festival since the pandemic and it's called the Seawalk Music Festival.
“This year people are finally acting like normal people so it’s a blessing to be a part of," said Juanita Jones who attended the event.
Last year the pandemic shut down big events and many businesses, but this year looks a whole lot different.
“I see people are more comfortable, enjoying themselves, actually out supporting local businesses and that honestly is the best thing about it and of course the food," said Jones.
The Seawalk Music Festival at Jacksonville Beach brought people and businesses from all over.
“I think people are ready to be out, people are vaccinated, people are just ready to live life," said Sarah Durante.
One vendor from North Carolina called Coco Crissi Italian Ice says the pandemic didn’t hurt their business.
“The pandemic gave us more opportunities I would say in a way for us to explore and branch out our business more open and whatnot. but it didn’t really slow down," said John Burch, an employee for Coco Crissi Italian Ice.
“Because you get to open up back more to people. You know having the world close it kind of does affect people in a way but it makes everything much better," said Burch.
The festival will continue Sunday starting at 1 p.m. and end at 8 p.m.