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COMMENTARY | Stop rebooting animated characters as ugly live-action films

It's horrifying. Stop it. Get some help.
Credit: YouTube

The first official trailer for the upcoming live-action "Sonic the Hedgehog" film premiered on Tuesday -- and it's absolutely horrifying, proving just how unnecessary live-action adaptations can be.

The trailer gives audiences their first full look at Sonic, redesigned to have the body of a weathered high school mascot, the glassy eyes of a haunted porcelain doll and the teeth of Gary Busey.

Reactions from fans of the lightning-fast hedgehog range from confused to disturbed.

The film joins a growing list of animated franchises remade to fit into our 3-D world. The trend was welcomed, at first, with live-action adaptations of "Cinderella," "Beauty and the Beast," "The Jungle Book" and more. 

But the addition of Sonic the Hedgehog and the announcement of a live-action Rugrats reboot with CGI babies begs the question -- does every reboot need to be live-action? 

Can we honestly say this monstrosity --

Credit: YouTube

is more visually appealing than this?

There is no logical reason to reboot animated franchises as CGI or live action when 2-D animation is perfectly capable of telling aesthetically pleasing stories to any demographic.

Awe-inspiring world building was achieved with the Academy Award-winning 2001 film "Spirited Away."

Heartstrings were pulled, tears were shed and everyone learned the true meaning of family after watching the beautifully animated film "Lilo & Stitch" back in 2002.

In 2003, the animated sequence featured in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill: Vol. 1 showed American audiences that animation can be both colorful, gritty and very adult. [Warning: The clip below contains gore and may not be appropriate for younger audiences.]

If filmmakers are truly desperate for classic animated characters to mingle with real-life beings then why not go the route of 1989's "Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"

Slapstick comedy and classic noir went together seamlessly in the Academy Award-winning film.

And who can forget the day worlds collided in 1996 when basketball icon Micheal Jordan teamed up with the Looney Tunes crew to save the Earth from aliens?

The best part about all of these animated films? None of them look like this:

Credit: YouTube

Seriously. Stop it. Get some help.

The full trailer for "Sonic the Hedgehog" can be viewed below.


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