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Parent Feels Schools Policy Over Boys Wearing Earrings Is Unfair To Students

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. -- A Jacksonville parent is so upset with her child's policy on boy's wearing earrings, she decided to remove him with seven weeks left in the school year

"It was a difficult decision," said Dashanti Scott," but it was about principle."

Her son was enrolled in Temple Christian Academy. Last week, the 14 year old told his mother he wanted to wear earrings. She thought about it an agreed.

"It is not just something he decided, I gave parental consent," she said.

However, the next day when he showed up to school, it became a problem. The teacher told him he had to remove the studs from his ears or go home.

"The teacher kept saying you got to take them out,I said I can't I can't,' said Jessai.

Jessai said he couldn't because he was told they needed to remain in his ears 30-days while his ears heal.

His refusal lead to the school instructing him to call someone to take him home, his school day was over.

"I did feel embarrassed," he said.

Scott said she was never notified of the issue, until hours after the fact, hours after he had left school with a relative.

Tom Reese, Dean of Students at Temple Christian Academy called the incident unfortunate.

"We feel the school is being fair with this parent and child,' said Reese.

Reese said the school is holding fast to a policy that has been in place since 2007.

"We're just holding true to the school policy where male students are not allowed to wear earrings in school,' he said.

Scott's son has been a student at Temple Christian three years and she said she was not made aware of the policy until now. She said she asked for a copy of the policy and was given a document with a revision date of February 2016.

"The revision date on that paper does not reflect how long the policy has been in place" Reese said.

Scott however has her doubts.

"They did not give me an alternative," she said," he could have placed band aids on his ears or wear a string, everyone knows you have to keep them in 30-days."

So she made the decision to remove her child and enroll him in new school.

Reese said he wish this complaint was resolved differently. While it is not unusual to see men and boys wearing earrings, Reese said at Temple Christian Academy it is not allowed and policy is policy.

"We are taken a little back by the whole situation," said Reese," the way it turned out.".

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