JACKSONVILLE, Fla — What is five percent of your income? Quickly, do the math.
If you make 60 thousand a year, that equals 3,000 dollars. Bank Rate found that’s the percentage Americans spend on entertainment.
Every penny counts right now but memories and enjoyment are still a priority. Here's a week of free activities on the First Coast to help keep your summer budget in check.
One thing we have ample of on the First Coast is outdoor space and sunshine. Both are things you can take advantage of while helping your wallet.
Monday: Let’s head to a local public library. Those new books you’ve been careful not to spend on, they have them. Then scoot over to the beach. Most of our coast has free parking.
Tuesday: Head to the Cummer Museum after work or school. 4 to 9 p.m. on Tuesdays are free. Stick around for sunset in the gardens.
Wednesday: Head to St. Augustine Beach for their summertime free concert series Music By The Sea from 7 to 9 p.m.
Thursday: Take dinner outdoors to one of our local parks. Memorial Park in Riverside has prime picnic space. With sunsets getting closer to 8 p.m., you have plenty of time to bring the family out in the fresh air.
Friday: There’s so much going on but later this month don’t miss The Jacksonville Jazz Festival. Don’t ask me how but it is free!
Saturday: Get your workout in with Camp Gladiator every Saturday at 8:30am near or under the parking garage at The Avenues Mall. FREE.
Sunday: End your week with Sisters of the Sea. Meet them out by Jacksonville Beach Pier the first Sunday of every month from 8 to 10 am.
Surfs up… your entertainment costs are down!